
Creekside Adult Tennis

Creekside is home to a comprehensive adult tennis program that offers a wide variety of clinics to fit the level of player you are! Whether you want to play for fun or competitively, have never touched a racquet or have years of experience, we have a program for you and would love to teach you the fundamentals of tennis!

If you are interested in joining a program, feel free to contact us or take a look at the different class options on our website! 

Our Programs

Fast Feed

  • Monday thru Friday : 9-10 am

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday : 6-7 pm

  • Saturday : 8-9:30 am

  • 1 hour clinics: $20 / $25 non-member

    90 minutes: $30 / $35 non-member

Doubles Clinic

  • Monday and Wednesday : 8:30-10 am

  • Monday and Wednesday : 8:30-10am

    *must be on a 6.5 USTA team

  • Wednesday 8:30-10 am

  • Monday 8:30-10 am

  • $30 / $35 non-member

Men’s Strategy / Point Play

  • Tuesday : 7-8:30 pm

  • $30 / $35 non-member

Drill & Play

  • Friday : 8:30-10 am

  • $30 / $35 non-member

Shot of the Week

  • TBD

  • $20 / $25 non-member

Adult 101/102

  • Day : Tuesday

    Time: 7-8 pm

    Dates: July 9th - 30th

    Designed to get new players into the game!

  • Day : Thursday

    Time: 7-8 pm

    Dates: July 11 - Aug 1

    The next progression up from 101, designed to continue progression!

  • 4 week session price: $120 / $140 non-Member

105! Doubles Game

  • Thursday : 9-10 am

  • Tuesday 7-8 pm

  • Thursday 7-8 pm

  • $20 / $25 non-member

Breakfast Club Round Robin

  • Tuesday and Thursday : 6:30-8 am

  • $10 / $15 non-member

Cancelation Policy:

There is a 24 hour cancelation policy for clinics and private/ semi-private lessons. The fee of the clinic or private will be applied if notice is not given and space is not filled.